Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006
I travelled down to London on Wednesday, accompanying Dharmavidya, Buddhist teacher and Head of the Amida Order. We took the National Express from Leceister. The Amida Trust has a house in London, called Sukhavati (realm of bliss, sweet realm) where the London group hold their meetings. It was lovely to see Madrakara, Tony and Joan again and to meet new friends. Lots of people arrived to hear Dharmavidya's Dharma Talk, it was a full house. There were lots of questions from an engaging audience and much discussion about Pureland Buddhism, the tradition that the Amida Order follows. Refreshments followed the Dharma talk. That night I slept in the shrine room which was a real treat, it's a beautiful space. The next morning we had morning service and breakfast and headed back to The Buddhist House in Leceister. On return, I had the pleasure of opening up birthday pressies (I'm 27 now!) followed by a delicious dinner cooked by Susthama. This was followed by Meditation for Relaxation, run by Lisa. We did some Quan Shi Yin chanting and then Lisa led us through a guided meditation, which was very relaxing and I felt ready for bed! |